The Native Antigen Company is part of LGC Clinical Diagnostics - Learn More

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Our Contract Services

Our Contract Services

How can we help with your project? While we are best known for our antigen and antibody products, our team has decades of experience in the field of native antigen and recombinant protein contract research, process development and bespoke production. We can undertake...
Perfecting Plasmid Production

Perfecting Plasmid Production

 Buy some off-the-shelf LB, whack in your bugs, job done? Not so fast there, it turns out there are some subtleties in plasmid production that you may not have thought would exist as our R&D scientist Ludovic Laigle explains… As part of our R&D process, LB...
Dengue in 2019

Dengue in 2019

What’s going on with dengue? Dengue virus (DENV) has been in the news a lot recently. The number of reported cases continues to climb year-on-year and 2019 has been especially bad. Rio de Janeiro has seen a 45% increase in dengue cases in the first two months of...