Tick-Borne Diseases: The Need for Integrated Approaches to Human-Animal Diagnosis
This article has been published in Volume 8, Issue 3 of International Animal Health Journal. Ticks are responsible for a diverse group of neglected, and rapidly expanding diseases, affecting humans, companion animals and livestock. A growing understanding of tick-host...
The Continued Challenges of Flavivirus Serology
This article was originally published on the Science Advisory Board. Flaviviruses are a genus of positive-sense RNA viruses, largely transmitted by mosquito and tick vectors that cause infections, including yellow fever, dengue, the Zika virus, West Nile virus,...
Why We Need New Diagnostics for the Zika Virus
This article has been published in Volume 2, Issue 3 of the IBI journal. While Zika is no longer in the public eye, it hasn’t vanished. Recent outbreaks across Asia and Africa are reminders that Zika is alive and well, and with no effective countermeasures available,...
Achieving Diagnostic Specificity with Dengue Envelope Domain III
In this blog, we discuss the structure and function of Flavivirus Envelope protein, its ability to elicit a broad range of antibody responses, and present our new range of Dengue virus Envelope DIII proteins for diagnostic and vaccine development. Envelope Protein: A...