Why We Need New Diagnostics for the Zika Virus
This article has been published in Volume 2, Issue 3 of the IBI journal. While Zika is no longer in the public eye, it hasn’t vanished. Recent outbreaks across Asia and Africa are reminders that Zika is alive and well, and with no effective countermeasures available,...
Achieving Diagnostic Specificity with Dengue Envelope Domain III
In this blog, we discuss the structure and function of Flavivirus Envelope protein, its ability to elicit a broad range of antibody responses, and present our new range of Dengue virus Envelope DIII proteins for diagnostic and vaccine development. Envelope Protein: A...
The world’s most extensive range of NS1-specific antibodies for flavivirus research
The Native Antigen Company first gained prominence in 2016, when it developed highly pure Zika virus NS1 protein during the 2015/2016 epidemic. Since then, the company has developed an extensive range of highly specific antigens, antibodies and immunoassays for...
Flavivirus NS1: A Short Introduction
In the first of a two-part series, we describe the structure of Flavivirus Non-Structural Protein 1 (NS1) and the role that it plays in viral pathogenesis. Flavivirus proteins Flaviviruses are single-stranded, enveloped RNA viruses, belonging to the Flaviviridae...